Product Description
3rd Commandment
Grind technique on stone
Total of 10 issues (series)
Interesting motive
Backside as bible stories series
The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue (Greek: ), is a list of religious and moral imperatives that were given by God to the people of Israel from the mountain referred to as Mount Sinai or Horeb. The Bible describes their form as being spoken by God and subsequently as an inscription God wrote with his finger on two stone tablets, which God gave to Moses. The Ten Commandments are recognized as a moral foundation in Judaism and Christianity. The Ten Commandments declare the Lord to be the one true God, prohibit having other gods before him, and making or worshiping idols; threaten punishment for those who reject him and promise love for those who love him; forbid blasphemy of the Lord's name; demand observance of the Sabbath and honoring one's parents; prohibit murder, adultery, theft, false testimony, and coveting of one's neighbor's goods. The scheme for partitioning the passages into ten units varies slightly between religions and denominations, as do their translation, interpretation and significance.
- Country: Palau
- Face value: 2 Dollar
- Year: 2014
- Metal: Silver .925
- Weight: 1/2 oz
- Size: 35 mm
- Quality: Proof
- Mintage: 1000' pcs
- Certificate COA: Yes
- Box: Yes